martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

postgraduate studies

I think that I have already spoken a little bit about my plans after leaving the university. But why not talking again and with more details? So... I would like to do a magister in another country, like Canadá or some french-speaking country or in Spain. Why this particular choices? Because in Canada or France, adding the fact that I speak french, the cinema culture is more developed than -I think- Latinoamerica. In Spain there is also a very interesting cinema culture that I really like, so maybe I would take a magister that links anthropology and cinema. Maybe visual anthropology? 
In the case that I don't take a magister like that, I would like to take a magister with the subject of Middle East or some African countries. I'm really interested about these subjects because I think there are very complexes and there is so many issues there so if I have the opportunity to help to understand what is happening, I will take it. 
I also would like to pursue my hobbie; the circus. Taking more courses of aerial silks and seminars for improve. 
I think that is important to not abandon the hobbies that we have in youth, because there are things that make us happy and exploit different part of us. I think that the human being is made with so many diferent areas of knowledge and we use just the rational intelligence in our world. So, why not learning more about how to draw or painting - I love that too- or to take dance classes or yoga. I hope that when I leave the university I will have time for learning about differents things and make myself a more integral human.

martes, 18 de octubre de 2016


Well... I always liked cinema, it is one of my favourite areas of interest. Nevertheless, I decided to study anthropology because I thought that for doing an interesting movie that sketches our society with reflection, criticism and humor I must study something that allows me to open my conception of society and their phenomenons. So, I want to do cinema after finish my major, I would like to learn in a short course about cameras, audiovisual and things like that. I would like to travel for find beautiful scenes and the specefic scenarios that I would use.
 I imagine myself doing films -and it is a little dream but why not- inspired in three directors; Alex de la Iglesia, Almodovar and Iñarritu. 

But, if I couldn't realise my perfect work -filmmaker- I have been thinking about working in a kind of international press, like "Le Monde", which is a very good paper that informs obviously about Europe, but also about Africa, America and all around the world, with a lot of correspondents. I would like to be the chiliean correspondent of this paper, because many of the journalists that wrote in "Le Monde" are sociologists, anthropologists, political analyst, etc. And because of the kind of the journalist, the analyse that the paper give is very fine. I think that a job like that would be the half time in my house writing on the notebook and the other half on the street or researching about many events. In that way, I also would like to write analyses about not only Chile, but about international politics, like what it's happening in Middle East or Africa - I always liked this subjects- travelling and researching. 

martes, 11 de octubre de 2016

to vote?

Yes, democracy is important, really important in theory. Democracy allows us to participate, to show our opinion and to make changes. But I think that democracy today, in Chile and in other countries is very flimsy. In Chile, for example, the binominal system is an heritage from the dictatorship, a legacy that seems to be a normal democracy but in reality it is a very intelligent way for the right party politicians to stay in the power. I think that this system must be changed today, because no matter which politician we choose, it's always gonna be an opposite politician that will pursue the election. So, it's a fake system.
Nevertheless, I think that it is important to vote because today a very few number of people are voting and I think that it's dangerous, because a little group of people decides for the majority. So, in the next elections, the municipals, I will go to vote because I don't want that a conservative politician wins in Providencia, like Matthei or Monkeberg. I think that people like them are obsolete and must be changed for young people (from the left) with renew proposals.
I think that the "utopical" president is Pepe Mujica in Uruguay, because he knew how to understand his people and their necessities, with a social program and being a very humble person, transparent, not like I don't know... Piñera?

I never thought about becoming a politician because I think that my person cannot do so much in this country, no until the binominal system had changed.  But I would like and why not, analyse political issues in the world, especially the conflicts in the Middle West or in Europe.

martes, 4 de octubre de 2016

my favorite tv show

I'm a person that cannot follow any TV show because I'm a very inconstant person; not a single serie can keep my attention -and I tried with 3 o 4 series- I don't know why... I just can conclude that TV series are not for me.
But I really love to watch The Simpson and SpongeBob -yeah, I know, I'm an adult now but whatever, I spend a really good time- because I continue to finding them very amusing. I really like to arrived to my house and scatter myself on the couch and watch an episode of The Simpson or Spongebob, for me it's the synonym of relaxation, the art of doing nothing.
Well, The Simpson is about an american family, which represents the typical american men, which is Homer, and he is very ignorant, drunk, irreverent, also there is the typical american housewife, Marge, who is very patient, submissive, maternal. In the other hand, there is the typical misbehave child, called Bart, also a little baby, Maggie, that seems her family in some circunstancies, and finally a very intelligent girl, Lisa, which is the opposite of her family. Generally, normal things happen to that family with a touch of acid humor and an exaggeration of the events, that always finish with a funny history. I like it because is a satire of the typical american, a satire of politicians and Occident. I thing there is a strong message behind the show, in some chapters more than others, but always we can find a criticism of the american and occidental society. I like the episode when Homer is looking at the TV and it's appear the ONU with all countries, and Russia is speaking and tell " The URSS is very -i don't remember- '' and other ambassador says; " but the URSS is disolved" and the russian men says;" that it's what we wanted to you think" and the scene change, in a russian parade with tanks that show up behind the allegoric cars, and Lenin wake up in the museum where he is saying;" capitalism must be dead".